Archives for the month of: February, 2015

What a whirlwind of a weekend! I accomplished many goals and also failed at accomplishing weekend chores.
I feel an overwhelming need to get Dido’s quilt done! (Here goes Chris talking again aha EVERYTIME I try to write!). I got supplies from Lens Mills yesterday (spray adhesive) and sandwiched it last night while watching season 7 of Bones –
Side note- this season is bugging me! It’s all babies! My best friend is having a baby in a couple months and Chris’s sister is having one on like a month! So I’m not having babies right now – I have three and Chris is not … Well … The most patient person- and sometimes I want to throw him out of an airplane aha aha aha.


Today I quilted it, stitch in the ditch! I also did tons of dishes & left tons of dishes- only 4 loads of laundry and walked the dog.




6 hours till alarm goodnight!!

Well man has a man cold which translates to me as a gorgeous night 😉
Had a quiet dinner with the kids – nobody said boo to anybody – all tickedy boo!
Then I retired to my sewing machine (& cutting mat) and tried out the fishy block that helix likes. The vicar of dibley and a cuppa black currant tea kept me company.

I’m debating making baby quilts out of fishies…jury is still out aha

Where does all the time go? Also, why is Area Stark mauling me like crazy tonight?! Crazy cat!

I dug out a bunch of 1.5″ squares and sewed them all together. My aim is to keep making these forever lol.

I think my technique is starting to improve! It was nice mindless sewing that made me angry that it’s Friday night after 10 and I want to keep going and make stuff but it’s after 10 and if I don’t sleep I’m a very very mean bitter person!

I thought it would come out to 9×9 – apparently my seams are a little fat!!

Oh well 😄 nothing can be done now –
Because it’s sewed in stone…

Or maybe I’m just lazy- take your pick.


Sat down to finish rows – and finished the top!


I feel like I am still in transition – getting used to the knew schedule still and working. I worked hard as a student but it was very different from the kind of solitary struggle that’s happens in the office lol – I cursed group work and I’m cursing it now too lol.
We had a stupid amount of late nights this week – it feels like every night we were running some kind of behind!

Anyways you cannot tell I did lots of dishes this morning – why? Because we literally used them being a family of 6 and needing to eat lunch and dinner. ( I dream of the day I have a installed dishwasher and an apartment with actual consistent water pressure)

I have been working on cutting for like ever now – it’s few and far between the nights I don’t feel like road kill and just crawl into bed. Last night I fully managed to get half of Dido’s quilt blocks made – tonight I finished the set & laid them out.

I think I put too much gold beside itself. Keep in mind I designed it in CAD with randomly assigned colours lol – all in all though I really like it!!

